Vesely Melnik Trade House LLC is a large flour producer in the Omsk region.

veselyi melnik logo

Vesely Melnik Trade House LLC is one of the large flour producers in the Omsk region. First and highest grade of wheat baking flour are produced. Monthly flour production is 2,500 tons.

Modern production equipment and our own laboratory allow us to produce high quality products.

Vesely Melnik Trade House LLC is a grain reception enterprise (elevator). It also supplies grain to large flour milling plants by grain wagons. The enterprise has its own access roads, which allows it to ship finished products and grain in a timely manner.

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The enterprise has successfully established itself as a reliable partner in the Russian and international grain and flour trading markets.

Producer’s address:
646070, Omsk region, Moskalenki workers settlement, Zheleznodorozhnaya st., 12/13
The exhibition will present a catalog of premium and first grade wheat flour in different packaging.
Buyers: - Producers of bread and bakery products, pasta.
- Flour producers, as we are grain suppliers.


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